About Mia Art
I am Sandy Fulginiti, commonly known as Mia (my art and Grandma name)

Live Creatively, friends!
That’s how I view the journey of painting. Each day I get to paint is an unfolding adventure. It’s a privilege to get to see, ponder and capture beauty with a paintbrush. It has made me even more in awe and wonder of The Lord and the plantings of His splendor! I now see life through an entirely new grid.
I am Sandy Fulginiti, commonly known as Mia (my art name and Grandma name). I’ve lived in Matthews, NC for almost 25 years and have enjoyed growing our large family here.
My Mia Art journey began in 2017 when a friend urged me to go to an oil painting class. So with much fear and trembling I agreed. I stretched far beyond my comfort zone, I persevered. …and then, behold, I was hooked!
Being passionate about interior design, Bible learning and teaching, crazy about song, and leading worship all while limping along with expressions of writing–I’m thrilled to have this new opportunity opened before me.
You see, the art was inside all along. Each of us have something unique & fabulous to offer. It’s in there and the key to uncovering it is to fear not, take courage, and trust the process.
What jazzes me is the incredible anticipation each time I face a new canvas. The possibilities of creativity are endless! The embracing of beauty, the joy in unveiling it, and the incredible satisfaction in calling the art out in others is immeasurable.
I love the process of learning and not sure where it will take me! Yet, my greatest joy is just playing with paint with my grand kids!
My artist motto is taken from the Scriptures: Live creatively, friends!
Gal 6:1 MSG
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