God has a funny way.

He led me to lead worship. I don’t read music.

He lead me to buy a fabric store. I don’t sew.

He called me to teach His Word. I’m not a bible scholar.

He nudged me to pick up a paint brush. I didn’t even draw.

My Art journey is really about trusting the process. It’s about the faithfulness of God to continue to do new things in our lives. That the process of becoming is never over until comes or He brings us home. 

Look around, there is inspiration everywhere! We, as humans, get to see it, capture, embrace and then reflect it through many art forms. 

We are people of discovery, bent toward His beauty and goodness. He has gifted each of us and will use what you uniquely have to bring. Dream big and fear not!

I love dreaming, revealing & expressing what I see by using paint, pens, various mediums, and mark making. There is really no wrong way to express beauty. Every stroke is different, everyone single one has meaning. They all have a purpose!

Beauty resounds because it makes people look up, it brings people pause, so we come together to gaze at it. 

It enriches us all.

“Every child is an artist” -Picasso 

Painting with my friends and grand kids always brings good conversation and the greater joy of creative collaboration.

So, with my paintbrush I celebrate beauty, and the privilege to capture it….AND to call out the art in others!!! 

My husband uses a chainsaw with old tree stumps to make tables, a friend uses crocheting needles, another a great cook, and another an incredible gardener and another a song writer. As musicians, teachers, writers we are all encouraged to press on and do what was put IN THERE TO DO. To Reveal and celebrate the Maker of all.

So, let’s free ourselves up to live a better, freer creative life. 

“Creativity takes courage” -Matisse

You can step into expressions of what God has planted in your heart, let it flow, grow, flourish, bloom and produce much fruit.


Because it’s a gift from God, for our greater good and His Glory! My desire is for each of you to find your muse, your jazz and then just go for it. Don’t wait till your almost 60 to do it!!

Quiet the accusing voice in your head, replace it with the reassuring voice of our Lord, the author, perfecter, the greatest artist and the ultimate creator. He made you for this!

Describing Art is tricky, it affects the senses, it enters through your eyes and travels to your heart. It’s felt and processed on many levels. It’s an extraordinary experience. 

It helps you peel off the layers of the everyday.

There are a lot of layers and texture to a good painting, each revealing and encouraging the one above & beneath. The dark ones are needed to enhance the light ones. Much like the layers of life. It takes each one to build beauty. Yes, He makes all things beautiful in His time. (Ecc.3:11)

Art enlarges our hearts and expands our gaze. We as believers have a 3rd eye and are gifted to see life through the way of the gospel. 

Grace comes to us that it might run through us in outlets of creativity! And the Kingdom moves forward. 

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” -Colossians 3:17 

Live creatively, friends.  -Gal. 6:1 msg 

Be blessed and remember, 

Beauty Matters!